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Language Settings

This section discusses multilinguality in your AI Assistant and the concepts related to it. In particular, we discuss:

  1. How to set your AI Assistant to speak multiple languages.
  2. How to set voice support for the primary language.
  3. What are and how to add Custom Translations.

Let's dive in!


Within the languages section of the settings in the Quickchat AI App, you can choose the languages you want your AI to be able to speak. While the number of languages your AI Assistant can support in parallel will depend on the subscription plan you're on, you can always choose for the AI to speak a different language.

If you choose multiple languages, our AI detects the language the user speaks and starts speaking the same language.

Let's see this in practice with the short demo!

Voice Support

Our AI Assistant offers voice support through two key features: speech-to-text, allowing you to speak to the AI instead of typing, and text-to-speech, where the AI vocalizes messages during a conversation.

The speech-to-text functionality is consistently available, independent of the voice support setting. You can initiate this by clicking the microphone icon next to the new message prompt in the widget interface.

To enable voice support in the primary language, access the settings and find the Voice Support section. Here, you can activate the feature and select a preferred voice. The short demo below shows exactly how to do it.

Custom Translations

To enhance our AI Assistants' multilingual capabilities, we've introduced Custom Translations. This feature allows you to define specific translations and exclude certain words, ensuring that your AI Assistant's conversations maintain the integrity of your brand's unique elements, such as product names and specialized vocabulary. Accessible via the Settings tab, Custom Translations enables consistent brand representation across different languages, streamlining the translation process and ensuring your brand's voice remains authentic and impactful globally.

How would this work in practice? If your AI Assistant talks about flora and fauna around the world: plants, bugs, spiders and alike and it uses customary names such as the Cellar Spider commonly referred to as "Daddy Long Legs" or the Bergenia plant customarily called "Pigsqueak", these names might become lost in translation and thus a source of major confusion for speakers of other languages.

Let's clear the confusion with some Custom Translation rules!