In this guide, we'll go through how to integrate your AI Assistant into your Discord server. Here's an overview of what we'll cover:
- Create a Discord server
- Create a Discord application
- Configure Your Discord Application
- Add the Bot to Your Discord Server
- Integrate your Discord bot with Quickchat AI
Creating and configuring a Discord Server
Create a Discord Server
To initiate the integration process, you'll need a Discord Server. If you don't have a Discord account, visit discord.com and create one. Once logged in, follow this guide to create your Discord server.
Create a Discord Application
Go to discord.com/developers/applications while logged in to your Discord account and create a new application.
Configure Your Discord Application
Before adding your bot to the server, enable the "Message Content Intent" for your application. This allows your bot to read messages sent by users on your server.
Add the Bot to Your Discord Server
Navigate to OAuth2, URL Generator on the left-hand side. Select 'bot' scope and give the bot minimum necessary permissions, including the ability to send messages, create public threads, send messages in threads, and read message history.
The resulting URL structure should be:
https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<YOUR CLIENT ID>&permissions=309237712896&scope=bot
Paste this URL into your browser while logged in to Discord.
Integrate Your Discord Bot with Quickchat AI
This is it on Discord's side. Last thing you need to do before navigating back to Quickchat AI, is to retrieve your Discord bot token from the Bot section of your Discord application settings. Now we navigate back to the Quickchat AI App. Navigate to Integrations in the left panel. Enable your Discord bot in Quickchat settings and paste the token.
That's it! Your bot should now be online in Discord. Make sure to @mention
the bot when sending your first message.
Congratulations! 🎉 Your Discord server now has a smart conversational AI powered by Quickchat AI. You can start interacting with it.